Special Issue: “Deep learning algorithms for enhancing security in Cloud Service” |
Paper Submission Deadline: 17-10-2020 Authors should specify that the submission is for Special Issue on “Deep learning algorithms for enhancing security in Cloud Service”. The manuscript template can be found at https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/about/submissions#authorGuidelines Manuscripts should be submitted to |
Posted: 2019-12-11 | More... |
Special Issue: Selected Papers from “The 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks and Signal Processing (SNSP 2019)” |
Selected Papers From “(SNSP 2019)” Please specify that the manuscript is for Special Issue on “The 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks and Signal Processing (SNSP 2019)” Manuscript Submission Deadline: November 30, 2019 |
Posted: 2019-09-17 | More... |
Special Issue: Selected Papers From “8th IEEE International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering 2019 (IEEE ICICE 2019)” |
Selected Papers From “(IEEE ICICE 2019)” Please specify that the manuscript is for the special issue on “8th IEEE International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering 2019 (IEEE ICICE 2019)”. Manuscript Deadline: May 31, 2020 |
Posted: 2019-09-10 | More... |
Special Issue: “Social Issues Regarding Recent Advances in Internet Applications” (WiCON 2019) |
Selected papers from WiCON 2019 (http://wicon.org/) Please specify that the manuscript is for the “Social Issues Regarding Recent Advances in Internet Applications” special issue. Manuscript Due: March 31, 2020 |
Posted: 2019-07-03 | More... |
Message: Supporting Open Access |
Supporting Open Access There is an ever increasing need for rapid access to new scientific findings, and an accelerating pace of discoveries in internet technology. There is also growing demand for open access and we work hard to provide that choice for scientists and researchers worldwide. We have published articles since 2018 that are immediately free to access and download. |
Posted: 2019-07-03 | More... |
Special Issue: Advanced Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Internet of Things |
Manuscript submission deadline: Aug. 15, 2019 Please specify that the manuscript is for the “Advanced Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Internet of Things” special issue. |
Posted: 2019-06-19 | More... |
Special Issue: Selected manuscripts from “IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan, 2019” |
Selected manuscripts from “IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan, 2019” Manuscript Submission Deadline: July 31, 2019 |
Posted: 2019-06-11 | More... |
Special Issue: “The 9th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2019)” |
Selected manuscripts from “The 9th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2019)” Manuscript Submission Deadline: September 30, 2019 |
Posted: 2019-04-09 | More... |
Special Issue: Edge Computing – The New Frontier of IoT and 5G Applications |
Submission due: 31 July, 2019 | |
Posted: 2019-03-28 | More... |
Special Issue: “14th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2019)” |
Selected Manuscripts from “14th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2019)” Manuscript Submission Deadline: July 15, 2020 |
Posted: 2019-03-19 | More... |
Special Issue: “Emerging Techniques and Applications for 5G Networks and IoT Systems” |
Outstanding papers will be selected from those accepted by and presented in BWCCA 2018 & 3PGCIC 2018. Each selected paper ought to be substantially extended, with at least 40% of difference from its conference version. Manuscript submission deadline: January 20, 2019 |
Posted: 2018-08-21 | More... |
Special Issue: Selected Papers from “2018 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC)” |
Manuscript Submission Deadline: February 28, 2019 | |
Posted: 2018-10-11 | More... |
Special Issue: Selected papers from “2018 International Conference on Recent Advancements in Computing, IoT and Computer Engineering Technology (CICET18)” |
Manuscript Submission Deadline: December 31, 2018 | |
Posted: 2018-09-12 | More... |
Special Issue: "Machine Learning Algorithms for Self-organizing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network" |
Posted: 2018-08-31 | More... |
Special Issue: Selected papers from “2018 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2018)” |
Selected papers from “2018 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2018)” should submit by December 31, 2018. | |
Posted: 2018-08-30 | More... |
Message: 2017 SCIE Impact Factor |
The newest IF for JIT has been released and is 1.301 (2017). | |
Posted: 2018-07-04 | |
Special Issue: Selected Papers from “COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES IN CLOUD BASED IoT”. |
Selected Papers from Special Issue on “COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES IN CLOUD BASED IoT”. Manuscript submission deadline: 10th August 2018 |
Posted: 2018-07-10 | More... |
Special Issue: Selected papers from "The 2018 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC 2018)" |
Selected Manuscripts from "The 2018 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC 2018)" submission deadline: April 01, 2019 | |
Posted: 2018-03-30 | More... |
Special Issue: “International Conference on the Development and Application of Big Data and Enterprise Resource Management, 2018 (ICBDERM)” |
Manuscript submission deadline: April 10, 2018 | |
Posted: 2018-03-21 | More... |
Special Issue: Cyber Security and Cloud Computing |
Manuscript submission Due: 10th, May, 2018 | |
Posted: 2018-01-24 | More... |
Special Issue: Selected papers from IoTaas 2017 |
Manuscript Due: December 15, 2017 | |
Posted: 2017-12-01 | More... |
Special Issue: “Based Cooperative Communications and Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks” |
Manuscript Submission Deadline: Jan. 25, 2018 | |
Posted: 2017-09-04 | More... |
Message: Extra! Extra! Congratulations to the Journal of Internet Technology! |
*Impact Factor: 2016: 1.930 | |
Posted: 2017-06-16 | More... |
Special Issue: “Intelligent Service for Internet of Things: Theory and Applications” |
Manuscript submission deadline: February 8, 2017 | |
Posted: 2017-01-20 | More... |
Message: New JIT Website Announcement |
We are delighted to officially announce the launch of our website on November 11th, 2016. |
Posted: 2016-11-11 | More... |
51 - 75 of 81 Items | << < 1 2 3 4 > >> |