The Internet of Things (IoT) has grown explosively in recent years. Ranging from sensors to smart phones, these devices record the status of the environment and behaviors of livings. The big data generated by these devices and then gathered together via the Internet support a new way for people to understand our world. We learn more about so many things than in the old days. Data-driven decision-making systems are significantly improved. In many scenarios, new IoT innovative applications have been emerged and piece-by-piece changed our daily lives, e.g., smart city, smart building, intelligent transportation, location-based services, vehicle networks, and industry 4.0. Meanwhile, the wide range of IoT applications issues many scientific, engineering, and social challenges, including IT infrastructure, hardware architecture, network design, software framework, communication protocol, data (pre)processing in devices, data communication in the network, data storage/processing/analysis in data center, scenario modeling and visualization, security of device/network/system, implementation practice, hybrid system integration, reliability, availability, privacy, social justice/fairness, and so on. The special issue solicits recent advances in IoT technology and applications. This issue aims to collect contributions made by leading-edge researchers from academia and industry to demonstrate how IoT-enabled intelligent service are created, integration of IoT and other hybrid systems, experience sharing and discussions regarding assessment, planning, and utilization of IoT technology, and so on. Theoretical analysis, technology development, experiment results, and non-technological discussions to this rapidly evolving and growing area are all welcome. Hence, this issue invites papers to the following topics, but never exclusive: TopicsIoT Frameworks Communications of IoT IoT and Big Data IoT and AI IoT Security and Privacy IoT Applications IoT Standards IoT Practices Case Studies
Important datesl Submission due: 31 July, 2019 l Notification of final acceptance: 31 October, 2019 l Final papers: Q4 2019 or Q1 2020
SubmissionSubmissions to the special issue will be screened by the Special Issue Editor to insure that they conform to the quality standards of Journal of Internet Technology. Papers that do not pass this initial screening will be immediately returned to the authors. Reviewers will apply those standards in forming recommendations for acceptance, revision, or rejection. A maximum of two revisions will be invited. Papers should be formatted with Journal of Internet Technology style ( The submission deadline is 31 July, 2019. The prospective contributors should submit their papers directly to the online submission system ( In addition, Authors please note the Special Issue (Edge Computing – The New Frontier of IoT and 5G Applications).
Guest Editors
Mu-Yen Chen, Ph.D. Department of Information Management National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan E-mail:
Jeng-Wei Lin, Ph.D. Department of Information Management Tunghai University, Taiwan E-mail:
Chin-Feng Lai. Ph.D Department of Engineering Science National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan E-mail: |