Things Object Notation as a Communicational Light-weighted Language for IoT Devices

Khazam A. Alhamdan,
Mohammad A. Alkandari,


IoT interoperability is a major challenge in the emerging IoT field. This paper introduces a novel and light weighted language for the IoT devices to use. TON (Things Object Notation) is a language which was built on top of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) to accommodate the needs of IoTs’ interoperability. This research improves two aspects of JSON (1) compactness and (2) commanding. Currently, a lot of communicational pollution such as wireless data and noise emerge from the explosion of the IoTs. Thus, a minimum information/data is needed to be sent. In addition, since most practitioners are hobbyists, a one language/protocol that passes information and commands will be more convenient. Further, this study provides three use cases and shows comparison between using JSON and TON as a mean to send data and information.

Citation Format:
Khazam A. Alhamdan, Mohammad A. Alkandari, "Things Object Notation as a Communicational Light-weighted Language for IoT Devices," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 20, no. 7 , pp. 2157-2167, Dec. 2019.

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