Special Issue: Advanced Technologies of Mobile Cloud Platforms

Theme and Scope

Since 2015, the use of mobile Internet access has increased compared to PC. In addition, with the current activation of 5G and the introduction of 6G, services using mobile will be further increased. As a result, the use of mobile cloud is increasing, and the technology of mobile cloud is continuously developing. Therefore, in this special issue, we are looking for papers dealing with various technologies in the mobile cloud platform.

Areas relevant to mobile cloud platforms include, but are not limited to, new mobile cloud architecture and infrastructure, recent technologies of mobile cloud storage, recent technologies of mobile cloud networks, computation and data-intensive mobile cloud applications, task scheduling algorithms and techniques for mobile cloud platforms, resource management for mobile cloud platforms, serverless computing architecture and applications, container-based virtualization, hyper-converged infrastructure technologies, and artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning technologies for mobile cloud platforms.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • new mobile cloud architecture
  • Technologies of mobile cloud storage
  • Technologies of mobile cloud networks
  • Data-intensive mobile cloud applications
  • resource management for mobile cloud platforms
  • Privacy and security for mobile cloud platforms
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning;
  • Computational and data science;
  • Big data applications, algorithms, and systems;
  • Cloud/edge/fog computing;
  • Energy-efficient computing;

Instructions for Manuscripts

Prospective authors should ONLY submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through emails to Prof. Jong Hyuk (James) Park (Leading Guest Editor), james.park.cswrgsi@gmail.com  

Each paper, written in English, the maximum words number in each paper should be below 8,000 words, including the references, illustrations and short biographies. More information can be found at https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/. Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/about/submissions#authorGuidelines.The manuscript template can also be found at https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/about/submissions#authorGuideline.


Important Dates

  • Initial Submission due: March 1, 2023
  • Initial editorial decision: March 31, 2023
  • Final Submission due: April 30, 2023
  • Final manuscript due: May 31, 2023  July 1, 2023
  • Tentative publication date:in the 4th quarter of 2023 in the 4th quarter of 2024

Guest Editors

Dr. Jong Hyuk (James) Park (Leading Guest Editor)

Seoul National University of Science and Technology, South Korea

E-mail: james.park.cswrgsi@gmail.com


Dr. Yang Xiao

The University of Alabama, USA

E-mail: yangxiao@ieee.org


Dr. Jin Wang

Changsha University of Science & Technology, China

E-mail: jinwang@csust.edu.cn