隨著網際網路用途的多元化,網路使用人口的增加,目前網路的頻寬實已達瓶頸。要疏解網路頻寬擁塞的壓力,擴大頻寬是最直接的方法,但這只是治標的方法,最有效、最實際解決的治本方法是將網路頻寬資源使用在真正需要使用的地方。「政策性網路管理系統」提供高層次、集中式的控管,希冀藉由訂定「政策規則」,在當今複雜的網路環境當中,降低管理的負擔及成本。本論文主要著重於「政策性網路頻寬管理系統」的架構設計,並介紹實作與測試的環境。Recently, the Internet community grows up very fast and many bandwidth consuming applications are developed and deployed. This makes the network bandwidth becomes more and more critical for delivering guaranteed QoS for the applications. Without managing the network bandwidth efficiently, it is possible that important network events (such as net meeting, I-Phone) are affected while many of the users are accessing the Internet via browsers. One of the basic ideas to resolve this bandwidth limitation problem is to add more links (bandwidth). But this is only a short-term solution because the users always have something to explore the bandwidth, no matter how large bandwidth we have. Based on this, the Policy-Based Network Management (PBNM) approach is gaining attention as a technology for providing highly functional and centralized administration network. This paper presents the design and implementation of a Policy-Based Network Bandwidth Management System for providing more accurate usage of bandwidth.
Citation Format:
黃能富 , 葉肩宇 , 王全璞 , 葉汝霖 , "政策性網路頻寬管理系統之研製," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 1, no. 1 , pp. 39-46, Jul. 2000.
黃能富 , 葉肩宇 , 王全璞 , 葉汝霖 , "政策性網路頻寬管理系統之研製," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 1, no. 1 , pp. 39-46, Jul. 2000.
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