由於偏遠中小學學童對於資訊工具接觸的機會較少,導致在資訊教育的學習程度,與一般都市化程度較高的學童有所落差,我們稱此為「數位學習落差」。在我們的觀察中發現,雖然偏鄉地區學校或家庭的資訊學習設備不足,但以整個區域的公共數位學習資源來說,例如,博物館,其實是能提供相關的數位學習資源的。若是能協助這些偏鄉學生利用博物館的學習資源,將有效縮短數位學習落差。在博物館的學習環境中,與學校教育不同之處,是強調自我導向式學習與學習場域。近年,由於無線射頻識別(Radio Frequency Indentification, RFID)等通訊技術的普遍,RFID具有辨識學習者身分、所在的位置與及移動的功能,並可藉此資訊搭配學習者個人資訊,提供U化學習服務。因此,本論文參考Instructional Management Systems Global Learning Consortium(IMS/GLC)所提出的 Learner Information Package(LIP)標準,提出了學習者資源管理系統架構(Learner Information Management Framework, LIMF),其中學習者資料模型:有學習者識別資料(Profile)、學習模式資料(Preference)、學習活動資料(Learning Activity),以及學習成就資料(Learning Portfolio),來做為U-Learning環境中學習者資訊之標準欄位。資料處理模型:提供學習者識別服務、學習者活動感知服務與學習資源服務,並提出Web Service技術,以提供系統架構在存取性、標準化與延伸性上,有更好的支援。Due to lack of opportunities in utilizing digital learning auxiliary tools, it causes the existence of so called ”Digital Learning Divide" between the students of rural or remote areas and those of urban areas. In this research, it is found that the public learning facilities in the community, for example, the museums, can provide related digital learning resources in spite of the shortage of digital learning facilities at the schools and families in rural or remote areas. If the students in the rural or remote areas are assisted to utilize the learning resources, it can bridge the digital learning divide effectively. However, it is different from the education in the school; the education in the museum is informal education which is emphasized on the learner-centered self-learning. In recent years, due to the advance and availability of RFID technology, and the functions of RFID in recognizing the learners' identities, locations, and movement, it can provide U-Learning services to learners with their personal information. Therefore, in this research, IMS Learner Information Package (LIP) standard is referred to construct a Learner Information Management Framework (LIMF), in which the Learner Model is composed of learner's Profile, Preference, Learning Activity, and Learning Portfolio as the standard fields of learner's information. The Processing Model in LIMF contains the functions of learner identification service, learner activity aware service, and learning resource provision service, and furthermore the web service technology is employed to provide better U-Learning support in accessibility, standardization, and extensibility.
數位學習落差; 無所不在的學習; 博物館學習; 學習者資訊; IMS LIP標準; Digital Learning Divide; Ubiquitous Learning; Museum; Learning Information; IMS LIP Standard
Citation Format:
翁瑞鋒(Jui-Feng Weng), 曾憲雄(Shian-Shyong Tseng), 廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao), 蘇俊銘(Jun-Ming Su), "設計U化博物館學習服務架構以縮短數位學習落差," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 9, no. 5 , pp. 321-328, Dec. 2008.
翁瑞鋒(Jui-Feng Weng), 曾憲雄(Shian-Shyong Tseng), 廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao), 蘇俊銘(Jun-Ming Su), "設計U化博物館學習服務架構以縮短數位學習落差," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 9, no. 5 , pp. 321-328, Dec. 2008.
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