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Extraction of Ontologies from Web Pages: Conceptual Modelling and Tourism Application

Hajer Baazaoui-Zghal,
Marie-Aude Aufaure,
Nesrine Ben Mustapha,


Adding a semantic dimension to web pages is a response to some problems of the present web and is known as the semantic web. Many methods and methodologies can be found in the literature. Generally, they are dedicated to particular data types like text, semi-structured data, relational data, etc. This paper presents first the ontology learning process and after our proposed Ontological Architecture for the Semantic Web. A prototype for knowledge extraction from web pages based on ontological components construction was developed and based on an architecture of ontological components for the Semantic web, which will be present after. The implementation and experimentation of the proposed prototype will be detailed.


semantic web; ontology construction; web content extraction; metaontology; conceptual modeling

Citation Format:
Hajer Baazaoui-Zghal, Marie-Aude Aufaure, Nesrine Ben Mustapha, "Extraction of Ontologies from Web Pages: Conceptual Modelling and Tourism Application," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 8, no. 4 , pp. 411-421, Oct. 2007.

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