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應用TCP Rebuilding技術於基於需求內容分配的網頁叢集式系統

劉合翰(Ho-Han Liu),
姜美玲(Mei-Ling Chiang),


對於網頁叢集式系統而言,服務需求的分配是影響整個系統效率的重要因素。為建立有效的分配機制,本文提出全新的TCP連線移轉技術-TCP Rebuilding,並以此建構基於叢集式系統的網頁需求分配平台。同時,更進一步對其應用加以實作,提出基於需求內容的分配排程演算法。此系統擷取服務需求的內容加以分析,依照各需求的特性而選擇負責處理的伺服器,而使伺服器資源的使用更有效率,避免因需求分配不當而造成的整體效能下降。實驗結果顯示,此系統可使網頁叢集式系統之整體效能有效地提昇。The dispatching of requests is crucial to the performance of web clusters, In order to build a more efficient dispatching mechanism, we propose a new TCP state migration technique, TCP Rebuilding, then use it to implement a content-aware dispatching platform for web clusters. We also design scheduling algorithms for dispatching requests in this platform. This system can extract and analyze the content in requests, then dispatch requests by their characteristics. In this way, web clusters can make the resource utilization of servers more effective, and avoid the overhead of requests that are not appropriately dispatched. Empirical performance evaluation results indicate that the proposed system can effectively improve the performance of web clusters.


網頁叢集式系統; Linux Virtual Server; TCP Rebuilding; 基於需求內容之分配排程; Web Clusters; Linux Virtual Server; TCP Rebuilding; Content-aware Request Dispatching

Citation Format:
劉合翰(Ho-Han Liu), 姜美玲(Mei-Ling Chiang), "應用TCP Rebuilding技術於基於需求內容分配的網頁叢集式系統," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 6, no. 2 , pp. 231-240, Apr. 2005.

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