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蔡木金(Mu-King Tsay),
王福東(Fu-Tung Wang),
鍾榮翰(Jung-Han Chung),


本論文提出交錯(interleave)概念規劃建置寬頻無線接取網路,並藉由一個雙極性多模式分碼多工進接技術的區域多點分配系統(Local multi-point distribution system-LMDS)的信號雜訊比,計算分析細胞間干擾情形,以及探討對高階調變之位元錯誤率以及涵蓋率表現,結果顯示,新的架構有效降低細胞間干擾,並且大幅提高多模式分碼多工技術應用於寬頻無線接取網路的可行性。A dual-polarized multimode CDMA based local multi-point distribution system (LMDS) is presented. A novel cellular architecture is designed by employing interleave concept. Inter-cell interference is analyzed and discussed based on hexagonal cell architecture. The bit error rate (BER) and coverage performance of a multi-mode CDMA scheme are investigated for high order modulation. The results show that the proposed cell structure obtains better power efficiency and makes the multi-mode CDMA scheme feasible for fixed broadband wireless access network.


雙極性; 多模式分碼多工技術; 細胞間干擾; dual-polarization; multimode CDMA; LMDS; inter-cell interference

Citation Format:
蔡木金(Mu-King Tsay), 王福東(Fu-Tung Wang), 鍾榮翰(Jung-Han Chung), "雙極性多模式分碼多工技術之區域多點分配系統細胞規劃," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 6, no. 2 , pp. 199-204, Apr. 2005.

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