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本研究針對內容提供者權益的保障,也就是不論經由內容遞送網路(CDN)的內容快取伺服器或點對點傳輸網路(Pee-to-peer)之使用者快取下載,都必須先向原始內容提供者報到,提出在複製可追查型遞送網路架構下的近端快取伺服器選擇法。並假設內容遞送網路服務業者可以透過一套獎勵回饋機制,吸引使用者加入使用者快取的遞送服務。我們使用地標點為基礎的兩階段伺服器選擇方式:第一階段,終端使用者透過前端內容遞送網路找到近端內容快取伺服器;第二階段則是由內容快取伺服器查詢提供近端使用者快取服務。在此架構下,由於終端使用者必須經由內容提供者指派內容遞送網路才可得到內容下載服務,不管是經由內容快取伺服器或是使用者快取;因此內容提供者權益得以保障。最後,在兩階段的近端伺服器選擇法中,能夠找到最靠近使用者端的伺服器提供服務。In this paper, we proposed a selection procedure to find the nearest server in the replication-aware CDN-P2P system, and to protect the content provider's rights. In the meantime, we suggested that CDN service provider could provide an approach for end users to join the delivery service through the positive feedback rewarding, and the P2P program must get authorized replication right to enable delivery service. We chose two-step selection approach on landmark-based selection algorithm: (1) the end user finds the nearest content replica server through the content delivery network, (2) the end user gets the nearest peer cache by the content replica server. Under this proposed architecture, everyone must be authorized to download content via the content provider, no matter the content is from replica server or peer cache. Therefore we could guarantee the copyrights of contents and the two-step server selection approach could offer the nearest replica/cache server to the end users.
複製可追查型遞送網路; 內容快取伺服器; 使用者快取; 伺服器選擇; 地標點; replication aware CDN-P2P; content replica server; peer cache; server selection; landmark
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謝民一(Min-Yi Hsieh), 楊宏昌(Hung-Chang Yang), 曾黎明(Li-Ming Tseng), "複製可追查型內容遞送網路之近端伺服器選擇," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 6, no. 2 , pp. 133-141, Apr. 2005.
謝民一(Min-Yi Hsieh), 楊宏昌(Hung-Chang Yang), 曾黎明(Li-Ming Tseng), "複製可追查型內容遞送網路之近端伺服器選擇," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 6, no. 2 , pp. 133-141, Apr. 2005.
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