Intelligence Augmented Reality Tutoring System for Mathematics Teaching and Learning

Min-Chai Hsieh,
Shu-Hsiang Chen,


This study developed an interactive Intelligence Augmented Reality Tutoring System (IARTS) for mathematics teaching and learning. IARTS consists of learning aid, virtual tutor, and guiding mechanism for mathematics problem solving. One hundred thirty-seven eighth grade students from four classes of a southern Taiwan junior high school participated in this study. Two classes were set as the experimental group with 67 students using the IARTS. Two classes were the control group with 70 students using multimedia material with a QR code that linked to a YouTube channel. A set of questionnaires was administered to evaluate students’ learning motivation and system acceptance. Also, a semi-structured focus group interview of both students and teachers was conducted. The results showed that learning motivation and system acceptance of the experimental group were not significantly better than the control group. The theoretical implications of using augmented reality for teaching and learning are discussed and practical implications are proposed.

Citation Format:
Min-Chai Hsieh, Shu-Hsiang Chen, "Intelligence Augmented Reality Tutoring System for Mathematics Teaching and Learning," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 20, no. 5 , pp. 1673-1681, Sep. 2019.

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