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本研究旨在探討已成為高中校園網路化指標之一的BBS對師生所造成的正負面影響,尤其是針對BBS的媒介特質、師生在BBS的認知與使用上之落差等議題。本研究結果顯示,學生對BBS「訊息溝通管道」與「人際關係管道」的觀感皆顯著高於教師。教師較學生傾向給予使用BBS的人負面評價,且較學生認為旁人的態度會影響學生對BBS的使用,雙方的認知存有差距。學生每週平均使用BBS的時間與觀感總分、「不應管制言論」和「訊息溝通管道」之間為正相關,其每週平均上網時間與觀感總分亦有正相關;教師方面則皆無顯著差異。Bulletin Board System (BBS) is one of the major network applications in Taiwan student populations. However, because of BBSs' unique features, users demonstrate different behaviors and etiquette from their face-to-face interpersonal encounters. Moreover, BBSs on sigh school campuses usually display students’ negative opinions and attitudes toward school, administrations, and teachers. Therefore, this exploratory study intends to investigate the difference in usage and perception of, and attitudes toward BBS between Taiwan high school teachers and students.
This study collected 249 valid questionnaires from high school teachers and 256 from students. The results indicated that teacher group had significant different attitudes toward BBS from student group, in particular, as communication channel and interpersonal channel. Students tend to agree deregulation of BBS speeches; they would speak aloud in anonymous condition. Moreover, the more time students spent on the Internet, the more positive their attitudes toward the BBS. However, the similar pattern did not appear in teacher group.
This study collected 249 valid questionnaires from high school teachers and 256 from students. The results indicated that teacher group had significant different attitudes toward BBS from student group, in particular, as communication channel and interpersonal channel. Students tend to agree deregulation of BBS speeches; they would speak aloud in anonymous condition. Moreover, the more time students spent on the Internet, the more positive their attitudes toward the BBS. However, the similar pattern did not appear in teacher group.
台灣高中師生; 認知與態度; BBS; Taiwan high school; perception; attitudes
Citation Format:
周倩(Chien Chou), 方紫薇(Tzu-Wei Fang), 方鳳琪(Feng-Chyi Fang), "高中師生對BBS的認知與態度之研究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 5, no. 1 , pp. 9-18, Jan. 2004.
周倩(Chien Chou), 方紫薇(Tzu-Wei Fang), 方鳳琪(Feng-Chyi Fang), "高中師生對BBS的認知與態度之研究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 5, no. 1 , pp. 9-18, Jan. 2004.
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