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Novel Application of Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming to Components Designed for Game or Animation Characters

Yih-Jou Tzang,
Ting-Yun Chi,
Hong-Yi Chang,
Chih-Hsuan Tzang,
Chun-Yen Huang,


This research presents a novel approach based on the fuzzy multi-objective linear programming model. We examined component design for game or animation characters to determine the best fit and the least number of components and software tools used. When people create a game or an animated character, they can apply the proposed approach to incorporate new components into a new character quickly. The proposed approach enables designing components of game or animation characters efficiently; and reduces design and development costs.


Fuzzy multi-objective linear programming; Design components; Games; Animated characters

Citation Format:
Yih-Jou Tzang, Ting-Yun Chi, Hong-Yi Chang, Chih-Hsuan Tzang, Chun-Yen Huang, "Novel Application of Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming to Components Designed for Game or Animation Characters," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 17, no. 7 , pp. 1383-1390, Dec. 2016.

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