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黃景彰(Jing-Jang Hwang),
廖耕億(Gen-Yih Liao),


由於具有不受地理限制與高傳遞效率的優點,網際網路成為資訊社會中民主投票的候選管道。然而網路無法眼見為憑的特性,使得網際網路上投票過程的公正性與結果的正確性不易驗證,因此在選務單位與投票者之間建立雙向可驗證的機制十分重要。本論文根據符合法定標準的資訊安全技術,引入稽核觀念設計可驗證機制,並規劃出選務單位與投票者可以彼此驗證的稽核憑據,提高網路投票的接受度。The Internet, with ubiquity and high efficiency, has become a candidate channel for democratic elections. However, witnessing the honest operation of authorities and verifying the election result are infeasible, so a verifiable mechanism built into balloting systems is indispensable. This paper elaborates a verifiable balloting system with audit trails, which are designed for auditing if the operational procedures be honestly followed by voters and authorities respectively. Furthermore, the proposed system adopts security techniques conformed to official standards. The result could enhance the confidence of voters towards network election.


網際網路投票系統; 稽核憑據; 資訊安全; balloting system over the Internet; audit trail; information security

Citation Format:
黃景彰(Jing-Jang Hwang), 廖耕億(Gen-Yih Liao), "以稽核憑據建立網際網路投票系統之可驗證性," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 2, no. 3 , pp. 193-200, Aug. 2001.

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