Special Issue: Dependability and Quality Assurance of Internet-based Systems and Software

Selected Papers from the following conferences:

Theme and Scope

This special issue includes multiple sections in several issues of JIT. The main focus is on dependability and quality assurance of Internet-based systems and software. The former includes security, safety, reliability, etc. and the latter focuses on testing, validation, and verification.

System and software dependability are commonly defined as the probability of failure-free operation for a given period of time in a specified environment. With software being increasingly ubiquitous in our everyday lives and playing an indispensable role in the function of our society, it has changed the way we live and conduct business. This is especially the case when considering the exponential demand and growth of software-enabled systems. The overwhelming consequences of their failures have made issues of ensuring their dependability and quality more important than ever. Unfortunately, traditional techniques and tool support are insufficient to overcome the challenges posed by the complexity of Internet-based systems, the dynamic nature of the environments in which they operate, and drive for continuous deployment of new functionality. New techniques that can overcome the shortcomings of existing approaches are needed to addresses all of these factors. Questions such as the following should be addressed: How to effectively and efficiently achieve high dependability and quality of Internet-based systems and software, which may suffer from the challenges of dynamic environments and need for extreme scalability? Do systems and software with higher dependability requirements need to be more complex than those with less stringent requirements or are architectural patterns and other techniques capable of mitigating complexity? Does the former have to be more expensive to produce and maintain than the latter? What are the most innovative techniques and tools to reduce the cost of these systems and software?

While this special issue provides a venue for authors of top-quality papers accepted by QRS 2021, DSA 2021, and ISSSR 2021 to submit their extended articles, it also has an open call to the research community. Our objective is to (i) provide a summary of research that advances dependability and quality assurance of Internet-based systems and software, and (ii) serve as a collection of current state-of-the-art technologies within this content.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, those related to dependability and quality assurance of Internet-based systems and software:

  • Requirements, architecture, design, data-driven, deep-learning, and AI-based analysis and optimization
  • Modeling, simulation, predication, and measurement
  • Formalization, verification, and testing
  • Fault tolerance and diagnosis, and redundancy technology
  • Process improvement and maintenance
  • Prognosis and health management
  • Quality and reliability
  • Security, privacy, dependability, and safety
  • Theories and algorithms
  • Networking and communication
  • Empirical studies, benchmarking, and industrial best practices
  • Applications, tools, and automation


Instructions for Manuscripts

Each paper must be written in English with the maximum number of words in each paper below 8,000 including references and illustrations. More information can be found at http://jit.ndhu.edu.tw. Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/about/submissions#authorGuidelines.

Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/internet-tech. When submitting papers, authors should specify that the manuscript is for the Special Issue on “QRS 2021"; "DSA 2021"; "ISSSR 2021”. The manuscript template can be found at https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/about/submissions#authorGuidelines.


Important dates      

  • QRS 2021 Submission Window Opens: February 15- February 16, 2022
  • DSA 2021 Submission Window Opens: October 4-October 5, 2021
  • ISSSR 2021 Submission Window Opens: December 1-December 2, 2021

  • First Round of Notification: One month after submission
  • Revised Paper Submission: Three weeks after the first round of submission
  • Final Notification: One month after resubmission
  • Tentative Publication Date: The 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2022 


Guest Editors

Professor W. Eric Wong

Department of Computer Science

University of Texas at Dallas, USA

E-mail: ewong2006@gmail.com

Professor William Chu

Dept. of Computer Science

Tunghai University, Taiwan

E-mail: cchu@thu.edu.tw 


Professor Lance Fiondella

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA

E-mail: lfiondella@umassd.edu