Special Issue: Current Trends and the Future of Internet of Things (IOT) in Industry and Enterprise

Theme and Scope

Industrial and Enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest technical development that makes possible physical things in embedded computing equipment (small computers) for manual job reduction and business productivity overall. IoT's business processes can be made simple by taking advantage of different technologies from embedded systems with sensors and actuators to Internet based cloud networking services, based on unique knowledge generated from embedded devices, such as computers, vehicles as well as another device. Industrial and Enterprise Internet of Things is an innovative new technology that makes it possible for previously unrelated physical objects to connect to the internet. Further, applications designed for enterprise services and business process control can be model / updated with the ubiquitous feature of IoT. The fundamental element of enterprise services is the information/data exchange between different IoT and business processes. The Industrial and Enterprise Internet of Things (I&EIoT) facilitates various business solutions and enterprise services through data handling and analysis for fast consumer responses. Services orchestration, decision-making, recommendation, planning control, and reliability management are the inherited services provided by I&EIoT in business processes. All these business processes rely on data/information generated inside and acquired from the connected environment. IoT solutions for enterprises require better adaption to the dynamic and decentralized business processes. Industrial and Enterprise Internet of Things improves the processes' overall efficiency, facilitates innovative business models, optimizes human operations, streamlines automation, and manages data/services resources with intelligent processing and infrastructure support.

The Industrial and Enterprise Internet of Things relates to linked sensors, instrumentation, and other equipment, networked in combination with industrial computer applications, including energy storage and manufacturing. The I&EIoT is developing a DCS (distributed control system) that enables a higher level of automation through cloud computing to refine and optimize process controls. The I&EIoT provides information gathering, sharing, and assessment and can promote improved productivity, performance, and other economic benefits. This call for proposal much focused on describing I&EIoT and analyses the partial IoT-taxonomies associated with it. Further, it develops a research process for I&EIoT, which can be used when researching system configurations and analyzing security risks and vulnerabilities to enumerate and characterize I&EIoT products. This special issue on "Current Trends and The Future of Internet of Things (Iot) In Industry and Enterprise" invites novel ideas from research persons, academicians, and industry professionals for sharing their novel ideas on Industrial and Enterprise Internet of Things (IoT).

The topics of interest for the special issue:

  • Collaborative design of I&EIoT service platforms for enterprise planning
  • The role of I&EIoT in Enterprise planning and management
  • Challenges, solutions, and recommendations for service utilization through I&EIoT
  • Business process and planning control for smart industries using I&EIoT
  • Ubiquitous and decentralized platform design for enterprise production enhancement
  • Orchestrated infrastructure design and decision-making systems using I&EIoT
  • Innovative business solutions for enterprise planning and service management using I&EIoT paradigms
  • Data management techniques for functional levels of enterprise planning using I&EIoT
  • Optimization algorithms/methods for I&EIoT based resource planning
  • Integrated process control using I&EIoT for business development models
  • Analysis and replacement solutions for complex data management using I&EIoT Environments

Instructions for Manuscripts

Each paper, written in English, the maximum words number in each paper should be below 8,000 words, including references and illustrations. More information can be found at http://jit.ndhu.edu.tw. Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/about/submissions#authorGuidelines.

Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/internet-tech. When submitting papers, authors should specify that the manuscript is for Special Issue on “Current Trends and The Future of Internet of Things (Iot) In Industry and Enterprise”. The manuscript template can be found at https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/about/submissions#authorGuidelines


Important Dates 

Submission Deadline: 31.12.2021

First Review Decision: 28.02.2022

Revision Due:             31.03.2022

Final Decision:            30.04.2022

Tentative Publication:  the 4th quarter in 2022


Guest Editors:

Dr. Vicente Garcia Diaz (Lead Guest Editor)

University of Oviedo, Spain

E-mail: garciavicente@ieee.org

Dr. Jerry Chun-Wei Lin

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

E-mail: jerrylin@ieee.org

Dr. Juan Antonio Morente Molinera

PDI, University of Granada, Spain

E-mail: jamoren@decsai.ugr.es