Special Issue: Intelligent Wireless Systems and urgent ICT Technologies for Selected Papers from FutureICT 2021

Theme and Scope

In the future, ICT will play a highly important role in convergence of fast computing together with high-speed communications, and all other smart computational sciences and application and ICT also will influence the future world's various areas, including science, engineering, industry, business, law, politics, culture, medicine, and so on. However, there still exits lots of challenges in future ICT. Future ICT 2021 is intended to bring up the dissemination of state-of-the-art research in all future ICT areas, including their models, services, and novel smart applications associated with their utilization.

This special issue will showcase the best submissions from the second Future ICT International Conference (Future ICT 2021) on Intelligent 5G/5GB/6G and urgent ICT technology.

Topics: Topics included, but not limited to

l   AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) and its Advance or Future Applications (AoFA)

l   Information Security Regarding to Novel Scenarios for Future Applications 

l   Smart Manufacturing and AoFA

l   Smart Healthcare and its AoFA

l   Smart City and its AoFA

l   Smart Agriculture and its AoFA

l   Smart Home and its AoFA

l   Intelligent 5G/5GB/6G and their AoFA

l   Intelligent Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks and their Advance or Future Technologies

l   Intelligent Mobile Internet, Mobility Management and their AoFA

l   Intelligent Networks and Interconnection Networks for Green Computing

l   Security Threats, Security Policies and Secure Managements, Security Schemes, Secure Protocols, Cryptography and their AoFA

l   Intelligent Digital Forensic, Privacy and Trust and their AoFA

l   Quantum Cryptography and Future Applications

l   Others in the Advance or future ICT Areas.


Instructions for Manuscripts

Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the Instructions for Authors available from Journal of Internet Technology website. https://jit.ndhu.edu.tw/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

Authors should submit papers through the online submission site (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/internet-tech and select Special Issue Article and give the special issue title asFutureICT 2021” when they reach “Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract” in the submission process.

Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of the special issue. All submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and quality of presentation, by at least two independent reviewers. It is the policy of the journal that no submission, or substantially overlapping submission, be published or be under review at another journal or conference at any time during the review process.

Papers extending previously published conference papers are acceptable, as long as the journal submission provides a significant contribution beyond the conference paper, and the overlap is described clearly at the beginning of the journal submission. If you have any question about whether the overlap with another paper is "substantial," please include in the paper a discussion of the similarities and differences with other papers, including the unique contribution(s) of the journal submission.

Important dates

  • Submission window opens: March 1st 2021
  • Submission Deadline: May 31st 2021
  • First Round decision: June 30th 2021
  • Revision Due: July 31st 2021
  • Final decision: September 15th 2021
  • Publication: papers may be published in the first quarter of 2022

Guest Editors:

Dr. Fang-Yie Leu (Lead Guest Editor)

Tunghai University, Taiwan

E-mail: leufy@thu.edu.tw

Dr. Lidia Ogiela

AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

E-mail: lidia.ogiela@gmail.com

Dr. Kangbin Yim

Soonchunhyang University, South Korea

E-mail: yim@sch.ac.kr