WAP提供比使用手機加上筆記型電腦更為便捷的無線上網功能,造就了”Mobile Internet”的普及,使得網際網路上資訊的取得不再侷限於固定的地點,也為未來帶來了新的契機與挑戰。本文所探討議題包括下列:1. Mobile Internet所面臨的新挑戰與WAP所提供的解決方案,這些解決方案同時也限制了WAP用戶的界面與使用型態。2.WAP系統整個架構運作原理,比較各個廠商WAP gateway的特性,並介紹一個OpenSource的WAP gateway(Kannel)目前的發展情形與架構。3.探討國內外WAP行動上網服務提供者(WAP ISP)及內容提供者(WAP ISP)所提供之服務與內容的種類,與發展概況,以及NTT DoCoMo的成功模式。WAP provides more convenient usage than notebook with handset in wireless network environment. And allows mobile users to access Internet content anytime and anywhere. Therefore, the” Mobile Internet” will be popularization in the future. First, we will give a brief introduction about the challenge of Mobile Internet. Second, introduce the architecture of WAP system. Then, discuss the development of WAP ISP and WAP ICP in Taiwan and other country, and the success of the NTT DoCoMo. Finally, we will give a short summary.
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol);行動網際網路;WAP Gateway;行動電子商務;DoCoMo; WAP(Wireless Application Protocol);Mobile Internet;WAP Gateway;M-Commerce;DoCoMo
Citation Format:
姜景娟(Ching-Chuan Chiang), 陳尊明(Chun-Ming Chen), 林盈達(Ying-Dar Lin), "WAP行動上網技術分析與發展方向," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 2, no. 1 , pp. 39-46, Jan. 2001.
姜景娟(Ching-Chuan Chiang), 陳尊明(Chun-Ming Chen), 林盈達(Ying-Dar Lin), "WAP行動上網技術分析與發展方向," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 2, no. 1 , pp. 39-46, Jan. 2001.
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