由於網路的便捷,許多電子公文系統逐漸被開發來替代傳統人工作業的公文流程,然而電子公文系統的資料安全性與能否達到適當的稽催與管制,常成為開發成功的關鍵。本研究結合 ASP(Active Server Page)與Exchange Server郵件伺服器進行各項公文流程的開發,並特別針對環狀傳送的處理提出完整之稽催與管制架構,希望能以通用且價廉之作業平台,建構出完整且符合實際需求的電子公文傳送系統。Electronic document management system (EDMS) had been developed instead of traditional document workflow, however, the security and the workflow are the key successful factor for developing EDMS. This paper describes an electronic document management system using ASP and Exchange Server to serve different documental workflows, especially for the circular workflow where documents are sent sequentially by a pre-arranged list. Through a well design structure the system is expected to meet the requirements of documental workflow by general and inexpensive software.
電子公文; 工作流程; 郵件系統; Electronic Document Management System; Workflow; Mail system
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李來錫(Lai-Hsi Lee), 張美鈴(Mei-Lin Chang), 謝淑音(Su-In Chie), 李卿榕(Chin-Rong Lee), "環狀傳送之電子公文管理系統設計," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 1, no. 2 , pp. 51-58, Dec. 2000.
李來錫(Lai-Hsi Lee), 張美鈴(Mei-Lin Chang), 謝淑音(Su-In Chie), 李卿榕(Chin-Rong Lee), "環狀傳送之電子公文管理系統設計," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 1, no. 2 , pp. 51-58, Dec. 2000.
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