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Anti-Monitoring Algorithm for Target Traversing Through Anisotropic Sensory Networks

Lei Wang,


Research on the anti-monitoring problem of mobile object in the heterogeneous sensory field, a new Exposure model is proposed, which can be used to estimate the risk approximately when a mobile object is moving along a path to traverse the sensory field deployed with anisotropic sensor nodes. And based on the newly proposed Exposure model, a novel decision algorithm is designed by combing with the Anisotropic Voronoi Tessellation schemes, which guarantee the mobile object can select a suitable path with approximately minimal risk to travel across the anisotropic sensory field. Theoretical analyses and simulation results show that, the new algorithm has good anti-monitoring performance, and requires only that the mobile object shall know the local information in its detection radius, so it is distributed and practical also.


Anti-monitoring; Anisotropic sensor network; Anisotropic voronoi tessellation; Exposuremodel

Citation Format:
Lei Wang, "Anti-Monitoring Algorithm for Target Traversing Through Anisotropic Sensory Networks," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 13, no. 1 , pp. 37-43, Jan. 2012.

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