字義的學習往往多屬個人學習,在國中國文教學上常以講述、測驗練習為主,鮮少以合作方式進行學習,本研究以連結論的識字歷程為基礎,結合同步式電腦輔助合作學習系統,設計多義字的學習活動,讓學生對字義的訊息能透過活動練習得以加深記憶,而老師能透過系統的回饋,得知學生的學習歷程與結果,進而探討學生的學習成效與小組合作模式。本研究發現多義字同步合作學習活動,對中文多義字學習保留有顯著的效果,在小組進行同步合作學習活動時,可分成隨意排列、共同合作、任務分配等三種合作模式,其中採共同合作模式的小組成績較高,表現也較一致。Chinese polysemy learning in junior high school often teach by instruction and practice test, rarely collaborative learning. In this study, based on the connectionist word recognition process and combined with synchronized CSCL system. Students through the polysemy learning activity of practice to enhance their memory and teacher can through the system to realize students' learning process and results. The results of One-way ANOVA revealed that there was significant difference for delayed test between two groups. No significant difference was found for posttest. There are three collaborative models explored in this study: random arrayal, aggregative arrayal and task-assigned arrayal. Synchronized CSCL improved learning retention compared to paper-and-pencil, especially for high achieving students.
多義字; 連結論; 同步合作學習; 語文學習; CSCL; Chinese polysemy; Connectionist
Citation Format:
林秋斌(Chiu-Pin Lin), 洪瑋懋(Wei-Mao Hung), "同步式電腦輔助合作學習對中文多義字之學習研究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 10, no. 4 , pp. 413-418, Aug. 2009.
林秋斌(Chiu-Pin Lin), 洪瑋懋(Wei-Mao Hung), "同步式電腦輔助合作學習對中文多義字之學習研究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 10, no. 4 , pp. 413-418, Aug. 2009.
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