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Research on Hierarchical Based Route Optimization Scheme in Nested Mobile Networks

Xiao-Hua Chen,
Hong-Ke Zhang,
Hua-Chun Zhou,
Ya-Juan Qin,


According to network mobility (NEMO) specification proposed by IETF, sub-optimal routing and multiple encapsulations exist in nested NEMO. Hierarchical MIPv6 (HMIPv6) is an extension of MIPv6, intro-domain handoffs of mobile node (MN) are handled by mobility anchor point (MAP) so registration latency is reduced. In this paper, a novel hierarchical based route optimization scheme (HBRO) is proposed. Root mobile router (MR) works as MAP, transmitting packets for mobile network nodes (MNNs). Correspondent node (CN) can transmit packet directly to MAP, bypassing all the home agents (HA) of MRs; tunnel exists only inside the mobile network so delivery latency is reduced. We also propose the analysis models for packet delivery overhead, delay and efficiency; analysis results indicate that the delivery efficiency is about 34%-50% higher than NEMO basic support protocol, and the network resources are utilized to a great extent.


Route optimization; Network mobility; Hierarchical MIPv6; Performance analysis

Citation Format:
Xiao-Hua Chen, Hong-Ke Zhang, Hua-Chun Zhou, Ya-Juan Qin, "Research on Hierarchical Based Route Optimization Scheme in Nested Mobile Networks," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 59-65, Jan. 2008.

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