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軟體系統品質希望可藉由量化的評量方式加以檢測,並提供應用系統開發時重要的效益指標。而Web-based系統的品質評量方法論應考慮下列三項因素:(1)評量目標必須是具體的且可廣泛地被接受的;(2)評量方法可應用於初期到後期階段的系統開發程序中;(3)評量方法應考慮Web-based系統的超媒體(Hypermedia)特性,以因應系統開發平台的功能需求。Web-based系統品質評量方法除須涵蓋物件模型品質外並應考慮漸進式(Iteration)系統開發需求。對於Web-based系統開發程序,品質評量方法亦應考慮建置自動化的品質評量工具以提供漸進式系統開發時使用。針對上述Web-based系統品質評量方法的特性與重要因素,本論文將提出一套Web-based系統之物件模型品質評量方法: WQMOOD。此方法的特色是可具體地由系統開發元件或設計模型中有效地量化計算模型的品質屬性,並且亦適合設計自動化品質評量工具。此外,本研究亦將實際地建置自動化品質評量工具並可與相關的電腦輔助軟體工程(CASE)工具整合,以實例驗證本論文所建議之品質評量工具的實用性與有效性,並可提昇Web-based系統產品之品質與效益。The main objective of software quality assessment is to evaluate the system quality via quantifying metrics for providing key performance index during in the period of system development. The methodology of quality assessment on Web-based system should consider the three elements including: (1) the goals of quality assessment are more concrete and widely accepted; (2) the method can be applied to the early stage through the final stage of the system development; (3) the method need to consider the hypermedia feature of Web-based system in order to meet the specifications of the system platform. The features of the quality assessment on Web-based system are to cover the quality of object-oriented model and to concern the development needs of iteration, which becomes an important link during in system development life cycles. Therefore, it is more suitable to design an automatic tool for quality assessment under such development environment. To be summarized as mentioned above, we propose WQMOOD based on the integrations of QMOOD and Web-based system's properties. The WQMOOD model can efficiently quantify and calculate quality attributes through system components or design model. However, this model is appropriate to design an automatic tool for quality evaluation. In addition, this research will essentially implement the automatic quality assessment tool and integrate into some CASE tools to evaluate and validate the usability and effectiveness of the proposed tool via practical case for improving system quality and processing performance.
WQMOOD; Web-based系統; 物件模型; 品質評量; 品質屬性; WQMOOD; Web-based System; Object Model; Quality Assessment; Quality Attributes
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楊欣哲(Shin-Jer Yang), "利用物件導向技術以設計Web-based系統量化品質評量工具之研究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 8, no. 2 , pp. 241-252, Apr. 2007.
楊欣哲(Shin-Jer Yang), "利用物件導向技術以設計Web-based系統量化品質評量工具之研究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 8, no. 2 , pp. 241-252, Apr. 2007.
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