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AJAX為近兩年網路上熱門的討論話題,它的全名為Asynchronous JavaScript and XML(非同步的JavaScript與XML),是一種建立互動式網頁的瀏覽器端開發技術,主要原理是運用JavaScript針對網頁文件DOM(Document Object Model)進行動態顯示及交互控制,並使用XML和XSLT進行資料交換及相關操作。它的優點是整個網頁頁面不需要重新下載,加快網頁介面顯示速度,減少網路流量,減輕伺服器負擔,減少使用者等待頁面更新的時間,如果使用得當,能建立更具互動性與親和性的使用操作介面,讓執行網路應用程式也能像桌面應用程式一樣方便、靈活、快速。
本文作者將AJAX技術運用於華夏技術學院校務行政資訊系統的開發,套用自行開發的AJAX程式模組,改善一般動態資料庫網頁操作過程中,需要頻頻換頁與重新載入之弊病,減輕伺服器負擔,解決前後端之間大資料量傳輸及處理問題,明顯改善網頁資料的顯示及處理速度,並參酌保留桌面應用程式之優點,如輔助輸入片語、輔助關聯詞庫、萬年曆、計算器等人性化便捷輸入工具,增加網際網路特性,如線上發送電子郵件、檔案傳輸等;該系統包括「校務行政網路化系統」及「學生暨家長查詢服務系統」兩大系統,已成功地運轉超過三年,截至目前已開發完成151項功能、310個報表、超過1600支程式檔,並已建立146個資料表格,整個系統執行效能良好,現仍持續開發中。AJAX is the hot topic for discussion over the network in the latest two years, its full name is ”Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”, it is a developing technology at browser side to create interactive web-pages. It utilizes JavaScript language to control the DOM dynamically, and also use XML and XSLT to exchange data and related operation. The advantages are: There's no need to reload full web page, speed up displaying user interface, reduce the network flow, lighten the server load, decrease the waiting time for page reload. More interactive and friendly user interface can be created if utilized appropriately, and make Web AP as convenient, flexible and speedy as Desktop AP.
The author of this paper utilized AJAX technology to develop School Administrative Affairs for Hwa-Hsia Institute of Technology with the AJAX programming modules developed by himself. The effects are: improving the disadvantage of page refresh and reload frequently during operative process, reducing server load, and solving the problem of large amount data transferring between client and server, and improving the page data displaying and handling speed, and preserving the advantages of the desktop applications, such as phrase input, related phrase input, on-line calendar, on-line calculator, etc, and increasing the internet characteristics, such as on-line email sending, file transfer,…etc. The School-Administrative Affairs System have been run over three years successfully, which includes two main system: ”School Administrative Affairs Web System” and ”Query Service System for Student and Parents”. As far 151 functions, 310 reports, over 1600 programs, and 146 data tables has been completed. The system has good performance, and keeps on developing.
本文作者將AJAX技術運用於華夏技術學院校務行政資訊系統的開發,套用自行開發的AJAX程式模組,改善一般動態資料庫網頁操作過程中,需要頻頻換頁與重新載入之弊病,減輕伺服器負擔,解決前後端之間大資料量傳輸及處理問題,明顯改善網頁資料的顯示及處理速度,並參酌保留桌面應用程式之優點,如輔助輸入片語、輔助關聯詞庫、萬年曆、計算器等人性化便捷輸入工具,增加網際網路特性,如線上發送電子郵件、檔案傳輸等;該系統包括「校務行政網路化系統」及「學生暨家長查詢服務系統」兩大系統,已成功地運轉超過三年,截至目前已開發完成151項功能、310個報表、超過1600支程式檔,並已建立146個資料表格,整個系統執行效能良好,現仍持續開發中。AJAX is the hot topic for discussion over the network in the latest two years, its full name is ”Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”, it is a developing technology at browser side to create interactive web-pages. It utilizes JavaScript language to control the DOM dynamically, and also use XML and XSLT to exchange data and related operation. The advantages are: There's no need to reload full web page, speed up displaying user interface, reduce the network flow, lighten the server load, decrease the waiting time for page reload. More interactive and friendly user interface can be created if utilized appropriately, and make Web AP as convenient, flexible and speedy as Desktop AP.
The author of this paper utilized AJAX technology to develop School Administrative Affairs for Hwa-Hsia Institute of Technology with the AJAX programming modules developed by himself. The effects are: improving the disadvantage of page refresh and reload frequently during operative process, reducing server load, and solving the problem of large amount data transferring between client and server, and improving the page data displaying and handling speed, and preserving the advantages of the desktop applications, such as phrase input, related phrase input, on-line calendar, on-line calculator, etc, and increasing the internet characteristics, such as on-line email sending, file transfer,…etc. The School-Administrative Affairs System have been run over three years successfully, which includes two main system: ”School Administrative Affairs Web System” and ”Query Service System for Student and Parents”. As far 151 functions, 310 reports, over 1600 programs, and 146 data tables has been completed. The system has good performance, and keeps on developing.
AJAX; 校務行政; 網路應用程式; AJAX; School-Administrative Affairs; Web Application
Citation Format:
郭惠煌(Hui-Huang Kuo), 蕭裕正(Yu-Cheng Hsiao), "AJAX網頁設計技術於校務行政資訊系統之應用," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 8, no. 2 , pp. 185-190, Apr. 2007.
郭惠煌(Hui-Huang Kuo), 蕭裕正(Yu-Cheng Hsiao), "AJAX網頁設計技術於校務行政資訊系統之應用," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 8, no. 2 , pp. 185-190, Apr. 2007.
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