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光通道網路 (Lightpath) 由於具備低延遲時間、保證頻寬以及動態調整傳輸路徑與頻寬分配的高管理彈性,已成為國際各重要學術研究網路發展的趨勢。台灣高品質學術研究網路 (TWAREN) 於2006 年初完成新一代全光波長 (Wavelength) 國際線路的建置後,已具備自國內建立跨國光通道網路直達美國的強大優勢。本文將自海纜傳輸、美國境內陸纜配置、光通道設計及容錯備援等方面說明TWAREN國際線路的光通道網路設計及架構,並就現今世界先進國家之學術研究網路光通道的發展,探討TWAREN國際線路光通道網路未來的展望。With the power of low transmission delay, guaranteed bandwidth and high path management flexibility, lightpath has become the most promising technology to national research and education networks (NRENs). Taiwan Advanced Reasearch and Education Network (TWAREN) has gained this power since the successful acquisition of a new wavelength international circuit in early 2006. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detail insight into the topology of the international circuits and the design of the lightpath arrangement, as well as the perspective of the TWAREN international lightpath network.
台灣高品質學術研究網路; 國際線路; 光通道網路; 光波長網路
Citation Format:
古立其(Li-Chi Ku), 陳 敏(Min Chen), 許瑞明(Ray-Ming Hsu), "TWAREN國際線路光通道網路之設計及架構," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 8, no. 2 , pp. 151-155, Apr. 2007.
古立其(Li-Chi Ku), 陳 敏(Min Chen), 許瑞明(Ray-Ming Hsu), "TWAREN國際線路光通道網路之設計及架構," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 8, no. 2 , pp. 151-155, Apr. 2007.
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