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林奇賢(Chi-Syan Lin),
郭明修(Ming-Shiuo Kuo),


本研究根據台南大學數位學習歷程檔案系統四年的應用歷程量化資料,分析與探討使用者的使用行為與系統應用效能。本研究發現,使用者大皆以文字媒體型態來處理學習檔案,他們似乎不善於使用多媒體與超媒體;而學習者對同儕的學習檔案回饋之質與量皆不理想,人際互動的頻率亦甚低。本研究亦發現使用者在數位學習歷程檔案系統中的教學與學習策略仍維持傳統的教師中心(teacher-centered)模式。由使用者的使用行為做進一步分析,本研究認為系統的應用效能仍有改善的空間。本研究進一步指出解決與改善之道,在於強化學習社群的應用,並應將數位學習歷程檔案系統視為網路學習的工具,並融入網路學習環境之中。The study aims to analyze and investigate system performance and user behavior of a digital portfolio system. Based on the four-year system log data in the digital portfolio system of National University of Tainan, the study reveals that most of users create and organize their digital artifacts with text. It seems that users are not confident with advanced multimedia and hypermedia technology. The study also discloses that not only the amount of user feedback in digital portfolio is low, but also the quality of feedback is undesirable. In addition, the study also notices that the frequency of interpersonal interaction in the forum of the system is far from acceptable. Furthermore, based on the aggregated data, the study realizes that it is the teacher-centered pedagogical paradigm instead of learner-centered that dominates the application of the digital portfolio system. Based on the evidence in user behavior, the study concludes that the system performance of the digital portfolio system does not meet with its goals. The study goes on to suggest that the learning community is key to the success of a digital portfolio system. It also asserts that digital portfolio system should merge into networked learning environment for the better system performance.


數位學習歷程檔案; 使用行為; 系統應用效能; 網路學習; Digital Portfolio; User Behavior; System Performance; Networked Learning

Citation Format:
林奇賢(Chi-Syan Lin), 郭明修(Ming-Shiuo Kuo), "數位學習歷程檔案系統的系統效能與使用行為分析," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 7, no. 2 , pp. 199-204, Apr. 2006.

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