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Multicast Beacon及Multicast Tester在TWAREN群組廣播上效能量測之應用

張宜正(Yi-Cheng Chang),
古立其(Li-Chi Ku),
徐嘉宏(Chia-Hung Hsu),
楊哲男(Che-Nan Yang),


多點群播(Multicast)是新一代網路協定中極重要的一環,但相對於傳統網路管理工具的成熟,網管人員往往缺乏適當的工具來驗證使用者端的多點群播能力與監控網路上的多點群播效能。本論文旨在提供目前在高品質學術研究網路(TWAREN)上應用Multicast Beacon及Multicast Tester進行多點群播效能監測及多點群播能力偵測的經驗,並針對TWAREN目前設立的多點群播監測警示機制與多點群播訊源在Multicast Tester偵測上的應用進行討論。The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the application of Multicast Beacon and Multicast Tester on the multicast performance measurement and multicast capability test over the Taiwan Advanced Research and Education Network (TWAREN). In our design, Multicast Beacon was utilized to monitor the multicast performance among the 11 TWAREN GigaPOPs, and Multicast Tester was adopted and modified to test the multicast capability of the end user environment. Our result shows that with the combination of these two utilities a multicast-enabled network can be managed efficiently and easily.


多點群播; 高品質學術研究網路; 效能監測; multicast; beacon; Multicast Tester; TWAREN; performance measurement

Citation Format:
張宜正(Yi-Cheng Chang), 古立其(Li-Chi Ku), 徐嘉宏(Chia-Hung Hsu), 楊哲男(Che-Nan Yang), "Multicast Beacon及Multicast Tester在TWAREN群組廣播上效能量測之應用," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 7, no. 2 , pp. 139-143, Apr. 2006.

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