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吳冠麒(Guan-Chi Wu),
徐慶豪(Ching-Hao Hsu),
盧天麒(Tain-Chi Lu),


本論文主要提出結合分散式有線網路與可適性無線網路環境架構,並規劃採用IEEE標準1516之高階架構(High Level Architecture)為網路聯盟系統底層平台,架構了高階架構分散式聯盟於混合型網路環境中,以期提供現行各種異質數位通訊裝置,如桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、行動電話及個人數位助理等,能夠透過本研究所提出的混合型網路環境,有效地支援跨區域網路多人互動、共享訊息傳遞、區域化行動計算、斷線資料補償以及資料一致性維護的功能。本研究除了發展混合型網路環境的模型架構外,並且提出一套以IP區域網路為基礎的行動管理機制,搭配結合轉遞客戶端機制(forwarding client mechanism),來維護客戶端在漫遊(roaming)於不同網路區域時的連線品質;此外,在本研究之系統架構中,並設計發展了保守型(conservative)與樂觀型(optimistic)之資料補償機制(data compensation model),用以解決因無線行動通訊裝置的使用者在跨越不同子網路區段時,進行交遞處理(handff)而導致客戶端發生通訊暫時中斷、部分訊息遺失及資料不一致性的問題。最後,經由模擬實驗結果得知,本論文所提出之高階架構分散式聯盟為一套低複雜度及高可行性之混合型網路環境,並有效地將無線行動管理機制和資料補償機制整合至IEEE 1516高階架構中。In this paper we aim to incorporate wireless and mobile network with IEEE standard 1516 high level architecture (HLA) to facilitate the ubiquitous distributed simulations. The proposed HLA federation not only provides seamless data communication but also supports the higher host interoperabilities for large-scale modeling and simulation functionalities. Furthermore, we elaborate the IP-based mobility management with dispatching and forwarding operations and deploy federate agents within the federation for a wide variety of mobile devices to achieve the low-complicated but high-practical mobility management. As the contemporary wireless LAN is concerned, it inherently suffers from data communication suspension and intermittent message loss as long as a phenomenon known as a soft or hard handoff occurs. Accordingly, we devise the data compensation model (DCM) to cope with data loss problem. In particular, the DCM would not aggravate any extra computing loads on federates and exhaust memory storage in the period of mobile client's short-term disconnection. As a consequence, the simulation results indicate that the proposed architecture of HLA federation supports the applicable mobility management, seamless data communication, and low system resource consumption for wireless and mobile distributed applications.


高階架構; 無線區域網路; 時間管理; 行動管理; 分散式系統; High Level Architecture; Wireless Local Area Network; Time Management; Mobility Management; Distributed System

Citation Format:
吳冠麒(Guan-Chi Wu), 徐慶豪(Ching-Hao Hsu), 盧天麒(Tain-Chi Lu), "在混合型網路中運用資料補償機制於高階架構分散式聯盟之研究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 6, no. 2 , pp. 205-215, Apr. 2005.

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