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陳文生(Wen-Sung Chen),
賈文康(Wen-Kang Jia),


本文首度提出一種可雙向分享IP位址的雙向綱路位址轉譯(Bi-Directional NAT)之方法,本方法的组成包括有雙向IP分享之綱路架構、NAT邊界協定(BNATP;Border Network Address Translator Protocol)、回溯式綱域名稱查詢(DNS Ascent Query)、以及具有支援上述協定的雙向IP分享装置、主機等部份,協同産生雙向定址並雙向存取綱路服務的能力,讓目前所有使用私用IP(Private IP)来定址的内部綱路主機,除了透過原有單向綱路位址轉换(NAT)功能的IP分享器向外存取網際綱路外(由内向外),並可運用本方法及装置,讓網際綱路上的任何使用者亦得以同時经由全域名(FQDN;Fully Qualified Domain Name)穿透並存取内部綱路上的主機(由外向内),换言之,内部綱路使用私用IP的主機也都擁有其唯一的綱域名稱可供定址之用,即便雨方皆爲私有IP位址甚至於重覆(Duplicate IP)亦可直接建立連腺無虞,此装置連带解除了IPv4之定址空简限制(2^32),提昇至2^56個以上,對目前綱際綱路IP位址耗盡問题極具助益。In this article we introduce a Bi-Directional NAT network device design first time, which consists of an IP Sharing Device with BNATP (Border Network Address Translator Protocol) function, and an method of DNS Ascent Query which bases on Standard DNS (Domain Name Service) services for providing address trigger function. Both above components coordinate and provide bidirectional access capacity between intranet and Internet, The device is capable of multiply private IP address sharing single public IP address to access the whole Internet (through internal to external) base on traditional NAT Method, It is also capable of multiply public IP address passing and sharing single private IP address to access the whole intranet via FQDN addressing Method (through external to internal) base on bilateral NAT Technology, In other words, this device can be allowed to share with as well as to have its own unique domain-name over the Internet for those people who own the host private IP address, Additionally, the device relieves the limitation of IPv4 addressing space from 2^32 to 2^56 and above. It is very helpful to solve the problem for people who exhaust the IP address in Internet.


雙向IP分享器; 雙向綱路位址轉譯; NAT邊界协定; 回溯式綱域名稱查詢; Bi-Directional IP Sharer; BNAT (Bi-Directional Network address Translation); BNATP (Border Network Address Translator Protocol); DNS Ascent Query

Citation Format:
陳文生(Wen-Sung Chen), 賈文康(Wen-Kang Jia), "以NAT邊界協定(BNATP)實作雙向綱路位址轉譯装置," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 6, no. 2 , pp. 173-180, Apr. 2005.

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