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張耀中(Yao-Chung Chang),
陳俊良(Jian-Liang Chen),
林思震(Sy-Jean Lin),


為能於All-IP網路上提供高效能之應用服務,開放式服務架構需具備Platform Independent、Application Independent、Multiple Service Support、Service Collaboration Support、Multiple Network Technology Support與Simplicity等等特性。Parlay/OSA標準具有上述特性,因此本論文將依據此標準建構完成All-IP網路服務平台,針對「服務架構」議題著眼,研發以開放式服務架構(Open Service Architecture; OSA)為基礎,提供一套統合標準之介面,建構All-IP網路共通之服務平台(Common Service Platform),開發Java-based之Video-on-Demand及On-line Gaming 服務應用 APIs。A highly efficient service architecture, enabling technologies, and advanced applications are indispensable to providing rapidly full information services in an All-IP network environment. The service architecture issue will be addressed herein. An Open Service Architecture (OSA) will be developed to support a set of standard interfaces. OSA must be ”platform independent” and ”application independent”; it must ”support multiple services”, ”support service collaboration”, ”support multiple network technology”, and it must be ”simple”, to be able to provide responsive information services in All-IP networks. An All-IP service platform is built based on this standard. The application of Video-on-Demand will be used to investigate the feasibility of the open service platform as well as the designed APIs from this paper. We believe that the result of this research will solve several outstanding technical problems associated with the All-IP network, API-based information services and open service architecture.


All-IP Networks; Open Service Architecture; Parlay; JAIN Service Platform; OMA; OSGi

Citation Format:
張耀中(Yao-Chung Chang), 陳俊良(Jian-Liang Chen), 林思震(Sy-Jean Lin), "All-IP網路環境之行動裝置開放式服務應用," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 6, no. 2 , pp. 149-155, Apr. 2005.

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