Consumer Behavioral Intension for Using Mobile Payment for E-commerce in Taiwan
With the rise of the Internet, the popularity of e-commerce has been promoted. With the advent of this financial technology and the rapid growth of smart device applications, consumer payment methods have also changed dramatically, e-commerce has evolved to mobile commerce. Due to the characteristics of mobile commerce, it brings convenience in terms of location and personal needs. The purpose is to make modern people’s lives smoother, and consumers can complete transactions without any money. However, people in Taiwan are less willing to use mobile payments than in other countries. Therefore, this paper is based on technology acceptance model (TAM) and fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) is used to development evaluative framework. Next, the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) is used to understand consumer’s preference factors for mobile payment. Finally, the results of this paper can provide reference for the relative business mobile payment service and further increase user usage of mobile payments.
Jich-Yan Tsai, Xiu-Wen Ye, Chien-Hua Wang, "Consumer Behavioral Intension for Using Mobile Payment for E-commerce in Taiwan," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 21, no. 6 , pp. 1821-1828, Nov. 2020.
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