A Cost-Aware Method for Tasks Allocation on the Internet of Things by Grouping the Submitted Tasks

R. Dhanapal,
T. Akila,
Syed Shuja Hussain,
Dinesh Mavaluru,


Internet of Things (IoT) as a new paradigm is described the future in which physical objects such as RFID tags, mobile phones, sensors, actuators, etc. are related to the Internet and can interact with each other to reach the defined objectives. One of the important goals in this paradigm is performing the submitted tasks using the task allocation mechanism. Since there is a complex relationship among devices, the task allocation in the IoT is very sophisticated. To solve this problem, in this paper, we suggest a hybrid algorithm using a combination of the Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time (HEFT) and the Triplet algorithm for task allocation in the distributed IoT to minimize the makespan and communication costs among objects. Also, a comparative study of the HEFT, Triplet, and the proposed algorithm have been done. Experimental results using Cooja simulator have shown that the proposed algorithm reduces communication costs.

Citation Format:
R. Dhanapal, T. Akila, Syed Shuja Hussain, Dinesh Mavaluru, "A Cost-Aware Method for Tasks Allocation on the Internet of Things by Grouping the Submitted Tasks," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 20, no. 7 , pp. 2055-2062, Dec. 2019.

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