Why do People Continue to Play Mobile Game Apps? A Perspective of Individual Motivation, Social Factor and Gaming Factor
This study attempts to identify the possible decisive factors of continuance intention and proposes a research model to predict the intention to continue playing mobile game apps based on the motivation theory and TAM framework. 377 valid respondents were collected by conducting an online survey and Partial Least Square (PLS) technique was applied to test our research model. The statistical results indicate that perceived playfulness (intrinsic motivation), perceived convenience (extrinsic motivation), social influence (social factor) and flow experience (gaming factor) are the significant determinants of continuance intention. Among these determinants, the flow experience is the most significant factor and the second one is intrinsic perceived playfulness. Perceived ease of use, does not affect continuance intention directly, but indirectly through perceived convenience and perceived playfulness.
Heng-Li Yang, Ren-Xiang Lin, "Why do People Continue to Play Mobile Game Apps? A Perspective of Individual Motivation, Social Factor and Gaming Factor," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 20, no. 6 , pp. 1925-1936, Nov. 2019.
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