A Secure Service Agreement Underlying Cloud Computing Environment

Mao-Lun Chiang,


Reliability is an important research topic of distributed systems. To achieve fault-tolerance in the distributed systems, healthy processors need to reach an agreement before performing certain special tasks, even if faults exist in many circumstances. In order to achieve fault-tolerance in distributed systems, one must deal with the Byzantine Agreement (BA) problem. However, the traditional BA problem is solved in well-defined networks, but the cloud computing environment is increasing in popularity. It can provide a large number of applications in the Internet. Therefore, the BA problem is re-examined to enhance the reliability of cloud computing environment in this paper. The proposed protocol can reach a secure service agreement while tolerating the maximum number of faulty processor in a minimal number of message exchanges under dual failure mode by using type of service requirement ( service chip ) and key ( Sign_sk ). Furthermore, our protocol is more adapting to the changeability of network, such as the mobility of processors than other works.

Citation Format:
Mao-Lun Chiang, "A Secure Service Agreement Underlying Cloud Computing Environment," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 19, no. 6 , pp. 1753-1761, Nov. 2018.

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