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目前各縣市教育局陸續開始投入國中小校務行政電子化的工作,台南市經一年多的努力以自行開發模式建置校務行政系統先期之學籍系統,目前本系統已在全市國中小學全面實施,且順利成功運作中,主要提供市內中小學教職員、教育局相關人員使用,另提供學生家長部分查詢功能。本系統對未來完整之校務行政系統而言是關鍵性火車頭的角色,這個系統的成功表示接下來之成績、健康、輔導等各子系統將會依計畫時程逐步開發推出。本系統資料庫採集中式架構,應用程式以.NET架構下之網頁開發。目前系統對學校行政人員、級科任教師提供各種應用功能,有效減少許多人力負擔,增進學校間與教育局間之行政之效率。配合本系統附加功能首度對開放家長查詢國中小新生學區分發、新生入學登記等功能頗受好評。為順利推行系統,相關行政配合措施與教育推廣訓練工作也是不可或缺的,當然針對實際開發及實施過程中遭遇許多困難與問題,本文有詳細說明並解釋目前採用之解決方案。我們希望藉此分享系統開發過程中之實務經驗,能給各縣市在校務行政系統之評估及開發上有所幫助。The research reported here is an adaptation of a model developed the Student Information System. Unlike other school administrator information system, we have completed the Student Information System with own model for two years. We put a lot of effort into the design of the Student Information System. At present it successfully operations at all primary and junior school in Tainan.
In general, the student information system plays a critical role in the school administrator information system. If it can be accepted, then the system of the score、the health and the guide in school will be developed step by step correctly. The database of our system select the schedule of centralization’ Application program was set up by C# .NET. About to the student information system, it not only reduces the burden of work, also handle the human resource. Apparently, it promotes the administrate efficiency between school and the education bureau. In this paper, we illustrate the method of development that solves our problem in detail .we share the resource of our student information system and provide the experience of development. Finally, we hope to provide the useful method of coding and executing in Taiwan organization.
In general, the student information system plays a critical role in the school administrator information system. If it can be accepted, then the system of the score、the health and the guide in school will be developed step by step correctly. The database of our system select the schedule of centralization’ Application program was set up by C# .NET. About to the student information system, it not only reduces the burden of work, also handle the human resource. Apparently, it promotes the administrate efficiency between school and the education bureau. In this paper, we illustrate the method of development that solves our problem in detail .we share the resource of our student information system and provide the experience of development. Finally, we hope to provide the useful method of coding and executing in Taiwan organization.
校務行政; 校務資訊系統; 教育行政電子化學籍系統; 新生入學; 學區分發; the administrator in school; the school administrator information system; the student information system; Be school of new student; the distribution of the school area
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朱國光(Chu Kuo-Kuang), 林守仁(Shou-Jen Lin), "台南市校務行政學籍系統之發展," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 4, no. 2 , pp. 105-112, Apr. 2003.
朱國光(Chu Kuo-Kuang), 林守仁(Shou-Jen Lin), "台南市校務行政學籍系統之發展," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 4, no. 2 , pp. 105-112, Apr. 2003.
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