無線區域網路的蓬勃發展、技術的快速演進,使得無線區域網路在校園網路中所扮演的角色漸行重要。為因應校園內無線區域網路的高使用率,提供跨校使用時的便利與安全的使用方式就成了最重要的課題之一。本論文將著重於解決無線區域網路的便利性與安全性問題上,提出能夠提供便利性與安全性的無線區域網路跨校漫遊證環境,以做為未來全國各校建置無線區域網路環境的基礎與參考。Due to the vigorous requirement of the wireless service, the research and development in wireless network techniques become more and more important. Many schools hope to build up a WLAN learning environment in campus. Hence, how to provide the convenient and secure WLAN environment in the campus becomes an important issue. In this paper, we did some feasibility studies for roaming mechanisms. The experimental architecture was practically experimented in five different universities to test the cross-campus roaming service. These roaming mechanism and architectures will be used as references to implement in other universities in Taiwan.
無線區域網路; 認證; RADIUS; 802.1x; RADIUS Proxy; WLAN; Authentication; RADIUS; 802.1 x; RADIUS Proxy
Citation Format:
顧靜恆(Ching-Heng Ku), 楊詠淇(Yung-Chi Yang), 蔡志宏(Zsehong Tsai), "無線區域網路跨校漫遊實驗環境之建置," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 4, no. 2 , pp. 85-90, Apr. 2003.
顧靜恆(Ching-Heng Ku), 楊詠淇(Yung-Chi Yang), 蔡志宏(Zsehong Tsai), "無線區域網路跨校漫遊實驗環境之建置," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 4, no. 2 , pp. 85-90, Apr. 2003.
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