Adaptive Control of IoT Wireless Networks in Shadowed Fading Channels

Minseok Kim,
Jong-Moon Chung,


In this paper, a distributed transmission power control (TPC) scheme that jointly addresses the hidden and exposed terminal problem to enhance the spatial reuse and fairness performance of multi-hop wireless networks is proposed. Unlike other previous transmission power control schemes where the two-ray ground reflection (TRG) model is adopted, the proposed scheme is designed based on a log-normal shadowing (LNS) channel model. In addition, transmission power selection strategies to further compensate the influences of shadowing are presented. Results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms the other TPC schemes in terms of spatial reuse and power consumption, resulting in an improved throughput and energy efficiency.

Citation Format:
Minseok Kim, Jong-Moon Chung, "Adaptive Control of IoT Wireless Networks in Shadowed Fading Channels," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 19, no. 3 , pp. 897-904, May. 2018.

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