電子商務是具高資訊密集度特性之銀行業的競爭優勢所在,而顧客關係管理又是優勢的關鍵,但銀行業者卻對其認知有限,亦缺乏缺乏整體的策略。本文從顧客關係管理的觀點,理序出通路管理、顧客資料管理、企業整體策略與資訊技術支援等四個發展電子商務的策略性構面。並從歐美標竿銀行的典範作為,歸納出各策略構面的重點工作,可作為後續實證研究的基礎與我國銀行業者研訂電子商務發展策略與推動工作的參考。Electronic Commerce (EC) is changing the relationship between customers and producers in ways more profound than industries, especially the highly information-intensive banking industry, can be yet imagined. And thus makes competitive advantage through the strategies on customer relationship management (CRM). This paper is puzzled out four profitable EC/CRM business strategies, including contact channel management, customer information management, enterprise-wide strategy, and information technology support. Furthermore, some relative activities as keys to success for each strategy are identified from the best practices and events of banking industries. Hopefully, a roadmap of the customer-effective EC strategy for Taiwan’s banking industry is provided.
顧客關係管理; 電子商務; 銀行業; 策略管理; customer relationship management; electronic commerce; banking industry; strategic management
Citation Format:
劉漢榆(Han-yuh Liu), 唐資文(Tzy-wen Tang), "以顧客關係管理為基礎之銀行業電子商務發展策略," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 4, no. 1 , pp. 33-38, Jan. 2003.
劉漢榆(Han-yuh Liu), 唐資文(Tzy-wen Tang), "以顧客關係管理為基礎之銀行業電子商務發展策略," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 4, no. 1 , pp. 33-38, Jan. 2003.
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