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An Approach to Reduce Soft Error Rate of SRAM-Based FPGA with SEU Effects by Partial Mitigation and PSO

Yunyi Yan,
Jinfu Wu,
Baolong Guo,


Soft Error is a big challenge for FPGA-based digital systems' reliability and life in radiation environments. In this paper, we present an approach to for reducing soft error rate (SER) in SRAM-based FPGA. The entire VHDL is divided into multiple modules according to function. The SER of each module is calculated by an analytic estimation method. And then we introduce the r/KPSO to determine the mitigation strategy rather than performing mitigation for all the modules. Only parts of whole modules are implemented with redundance mitigation which is determined by r/KPSO with maximum redundant area constrains. Experimental results showed that the proposed approach can provide one order of magnitude of SER reduction with about 70% redundant area cost.


Redundant mitigation; SRAM-based FPGA; Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO); Single Event Upsets (SEUs)

Citation Format:
Yunyi Yan, Jinfu Wu, Baolong Guo, "An Approach to Reduce Soft Error Rate of SRAM-Based FPGA with SEU Effects by Partial Mitigation and PSO," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 17, no. 4 , pp. 789-795, Jul. 2016.

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