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Fluid Flow Approximation of the Mean Buffer Occupancy in a Packet-Speech Multiplexer

Branimir Trenkić,
Dragan Mitić,
Aleksandar Lebl,
Žarko Markov,


In this paper we will explain the method of approximating the mean buffer occupancy in a packetspeech multiplexer. The model that we use is often used in literature for modelling the statistical multiplexer and that is - the fluid flow model with the ON/OFF packet traffic sources. Our idea is based on the indirect obtain of an approximate equation for the calculation of the mean buffer occupancy through the asymptotic approximation of overflow probability in the proposed model with an infinite buffer. Actually, usage of the results obtained by the two different approaches in analysis of the suggested modelcreates the possibility of extracting the equation for the approximate calculation of the mean buffer occupancy.


Packet-speech multiplexer; Mean buffer occupancy; Fluid-flow; Quasi-birth-and-death processes

Citation Format:
Branimir Trenkić, Dragan Mitić, Aleksandar Lebl, Žarko Markov, "Fluid Flow Approximation of the Mean Buffer Occupancy in a Packet-Speech Multiplexer," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 16, no. 7 , pp. 1211-1217, Dec. 2015.

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