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A Light-Weight Linear Network Coding Cipher Model Based on Cloud Computing for Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks

Hai-Feng Lin,
Di Bai,
Anna Jiang,
Yun-Fei Liu,


A collaborative wireless sensor network can be particularly vulnerable to cloud security attacks lacking physical boundaries to the environment and also has constrained energy reserves. In this paper, we look at linear network coding protocols and cloud computing optimizations which can have significant reduce the overall energy dissipation of collaborative wireless sensor networks and provide a paradigm to enable convenient and on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. Based on our findings that the conventional encryption protocols of public key algorithm and symmetric key algorithm may not be optimal for collaborative wireless sensor networks, we propose LWLNC (Light-Weight Linear Network Coding), a fundamental arithmetic instruction that utilizes randomized rotation of coefficients to achieve cloud computing optimization. LWLNC incorporates data fusion into the transmission which can reduce the amount of energy dissipation. Simulation results show that LWLNC can achieve as much as a factor of 8 reduction in energy consumption compared with conventional encryption protocols. In addition, LWLNC is able to distribute energy dissipation evenly throughout the sensors, doubling the useful system lifetime for the networks we simulated.


Collaborative wireless sensor network; Linear network coding; Network security; Energy efficient; Cloud computing

Citation Format:
Hai-Feng Lin, Di Bai, Anna Jiang, Yun-Fei Liu, "A Light-Weight Linear Network Coding Cipher Model Based on Cloud Computing for Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 16, no. 5 , pp. 923-931, Sep. 2015.

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