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本論文要探討如何運用現今的有線電視網路,提供更有效率的雙向數據傳輸服務。我們提出一個新的協定P-SJFP(Priority – Shortest Job First Scheduling Protocol),目的是為了要能更有效率的使用上行通道的頻寬(upstream channel)。我們按照傳輸資料的特性將其分類,不同類的資料有不同的優先權等級。在mini-slot的排程方面採用高優先等級資料優先參予競爭的方式。而論文中也考慮到如何針對mini-slot的個數作最佳化的安排,運用上一個cycle的mini-slot碰撞結果,去預估下一個cycle中mini-slot該放多少個才能得到最有效率的使用。此外,我們也提出針對註冊成功後的job的順序安排,先滿足所有用戶的最小需求,剩餘的data-slot再採用Shortest Job First Scheduling 的排程方式,將job平均傳輸等待的時間降低,達成更有效率使用上行通道的目的。This paper proposes a new MAC protocol P-SJFP (Priority/Shortest Job Fist Scheduling Protocol), which categorizes data traffic according to their priorities. High priority has higher precedence in mini-slot allocation. We discussed how to use the status of the mini-slot in the previous cycle to estimate the optimal number of mini-slots to be allocated in the next cycle. Moreover, the job scheduling policy is to satisfy shortest jobs first in order to minimize a job's average waiting time, such that the channel bandwidth can be best utilized.
混合式光纖同軸電纜; IEEE802.14; 介質擷取協定; 效能評估; HFC network; MAC protocol; Performance evaluation
Citation Format:
呂俊賢 , 林晉鋒 , "混合式光纖同軸電纜網路上動態雙向資訊傳輸," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 2, no. 3 , pp. 177-184, Aug. 2001.
呂俊賢 , 林晉鋒 , "混合式光纖同軸電纜網路上動態雙向資訊傳輸," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 2, no. 3 , pp. 177-184, Aug. 2001.
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