廿一世紀是網際網路時代,我國NII推動策略就是加速國內網際網路的建設與推廣普及應用,讓全民透過網路環境達成知天下事,做天下事的願景。基此,本文將簡介我國NII組織架構及針對我國NII推動網際網路發展策略,作政策性切入分析,扼要禪述我國NII推動方案及推動計畫,並因應網際網路的蓬勃發展,說明國內NII推動現況成效,更進一步提出未來NII具體重點工作之建議做結論。The 21st century is the age of Internet. The promoting policy of our NII have to expedite the construction of networks and to extend the applications of information. Let all the people through the circumstance of Internet achieves the vision to know everything and to do anything. So, this article will introduce the framework of our NII organization and aim directly at the strategy of our NII in the development of promoting Internet that put into analysis in the direction of policy. It states the promoting plans and projects of our NII essentially and due the strong development of Internet to illustrate the effect of our NII at the present. It submits the suggestion and makes the conclusion at one more step for the concrete and important work of NII in the future.
網際網路; NII推動方案; NII推動計劃; Internet; the promoting plan of NII; the promoting project of NII
Citation Format:
宋志揚(Chih-Yang Sung), "我國NII推動網際網路政策之探究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 2, no. 2 , pp. 155-164, Apr. 2001.
宋志揚(Chih-Yang Sung), "我國NII推動網際網路政策之探究," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 2, no. 2 , pp. 155-164, Apr. 2001.
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