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Design Network Protocols For A Digital Settop Box Used In An Interactive TV Tria

黃柏翔(Po-Hsian Huang),


這篇論文提出對一個數位設立盒(Digital Settop Box )使用於互動式測試電視之網路協定設計及應用。此測試系統乃建構於FTTC網路架構之上,使用ATM傳輸機制來提供雙向之視訊及資料服務,為了提供高層次的應用,數位設立盒(Digital Settop Box )必須能提供ATM細胞和MPEG- II 傳輸封包之間的轉換。在記憶體挑戰性的工作。在此篇論文,對於網路協定的宣告予以規定並提供未來數位設立盒(Digital Settop Box )設計上的準則依據。This paper presents the design and implementation of the network protocols for a digital settop box used in an interactive TV trial. The trail system, based on a Fiber-to-the-Curb (FTTC) network architecture, uses ATM transport mechanism to provide video and two-way data services. To support high-level applications, the settop box must enable protocol conversions between ATM cells and MPEG- II transport packets as well as IP packets. Given the memory-size limitation and hardware-cost constraint, the implementation of the network protocols becomes a challenging task. In this paper, the issues of network protocol design are addressed and provide the guideline for future improvement of the settop box design.


網路協定; 數位設立盒; 移動圖片專家群組格式-II; network protocols; digital settop box; MPEG-II

Citation Format:
黃柏翔(Po-Hsian Huang), "Design Network Protocols For A Digital Settop Box Used In An Interactive TV Tria," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 2, no. 2 , pp. 137-142, Apr. 2001.

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